Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Using the science of good timing to pass the test, get the job, and live a meaningful life

Using the science of good timing to pass the test, get the job, and live a meaningful lifeUsing the science of good timing to pass the test, get the job, and live a meaningful lifeOne of the worlds foremost thinkers on business and social science,Daniel Pinkis the author of several groundbreaking books on work and behavior, including his most recent bestseller,When The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.Adam Grantis an organizational psychologist, the top-satzd professor at Wharton, and the 1bestselling author ofOriginals How Non-Conformists Move the World. He recently hosted Danielin the latest installment of the AuthorsWharton Speaker Series, where the two discussed why good timing isnt a mysterious art but a science that can be learned- and perhaps even mastered.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreAdamIve read a lot of how-to books, but When is the first when-to book Ive ever r ead. One parte of the book made me really angry because you wrote that I should take naps. I hate naps- I always feel like a soggy piece of French tischrede afterward. Why should we take them?DanielWell, theres a rich body of science showing that naps operate as Zambonis for ur brain. Over the curse of the day, we have all these nicks and scuffs on ur mental ice, and naps smooth those out.You seem to have a rigidly anti-nap ideology, but heres the thing- back in the day, I had the same view of naps as you did. When I would take a nap, I would wake up feeling bad and French toast-like. I would also wake up feeling deeply ashamed of myself because I felt like napping was some kind of moral weakness.What I discovered is that I was doing it wrong. There is a better way to nap. What the research tells us is that the best naps are really short- 10 to 20 minutes long. Thats it. Beyond that is sleep inertia- what you describe as French toast- where you sleep so long that you have to dig you r way out of the negative effectbefore getting the positive effect. So super-short naps are the best.The single best nap you can have, bang for the buck, is the following I will sit in a chair, put on noise-canceling headphones, and put my feet on a little ottoman. Then, I will have a cup of coffee, down it pretty quickly. Then Ill set the timer on my phone for 25 minutes, and I will close my eyes.Now, I can usually fall asleep in 10 to 12 minutes. Lets say I fall asleep in 12 minutes- that gives me a nap of 13 minutes. Thats pretty good, actually its in the 10 to the 20-minute sweet spot.But heres where it gets interesting. It takes about 25 minutes for caffeine to get into our bloodstream. So remember that coffee that I had? Just as Im waking up- minus the sleep inertia- I get that hit of caffeine I get a double-whammy. Thats the scientifically ideal nap, and its called a Nappuccino. I encourage you to take one.AdamI do like the way you describe it, even though I still cant imagin e waking up feeling refreshed.So is there a when on naps? Is there a right time to take one?DanielA lot of the research on the when of doing stuff gives us elend Do this at this particular time for this amount of time, but broader design principles that we can apply to our life.Basically, people often go through the day like this a peak, a trough, and a recovery. Thats our pattern of mood, and also our pattern of performance in some intriguing ways. For 80% of us, our pattern goes up, it goes down, it goes back up again.Now in the recovery stage, you see elevated mood and less vigilance. That makes it a good time for brainstorming, and other things where you want be a little bit looser. Weve all been in brainstorming sessions where someone is hypervigilant, saying, Thats a stupid idea, thats a stupid idea, thats a stupid idea. In the recovery stage, higher mood and less vigilance make ita good time for creative work.The research is telling us that we need to put a little more attent ion on doing the right work at the right time of day, because our cognitive abilities change throughout the day- and they change in significant but predictable ways. If we do our analytic work during the peak, our administrative work during the trough, and our creative work during the recovery, we can do a little bit better. Theres research showing that time of day explains about 20% of the variance in how people perform on cognitive tasks. Thats a big deal.Think about what else explains variance in how people perform- some people are smarter than others. Some people are more conscientious than others. Some people have more advantages. But timing- thats something you can do something about.AdamYou wrote about some standardized tests that are staggering.DanielIts unbelievable. In Denmark, students take their standardized tests on computers, but the typical Danish school has more students than computers, so bedrngnis everyone can take the test at the same time.Two Danish researchers l ooked at two million standardized test scores in Denmark, and what they found is that students who take the test in the morning score significantly better than students who take the test in the afternoon. In fact, taking the test in the afternoon is equivalent to missing two weeks of school.Its an Oh wow fact for two reasons. One, we are making policy based on standardized tests, and theres such a heavy effect of time of day. And two, were making decisions about these kids based on their standardized test score, when maybe they had been randomly assigned to take the test earlier or later in the day. Its kind of terrifying.AdamTheres a bunch of people thinking, Hey, I wasted a lot of money on test prep. I couldve just shifted the hour of the day.DanielNot a bad idea. Im getting email from people who are taking certification exams saying, When should I take it? If you take a test in the morning, its not like youre guaranteed to do well. But if youre a morning person and you have a 10% chance of getting a great score, you can maybe dial it up to 13% if you take it in the morning. Its still an 87% chance youre not gonna do well, but Ill take that jump from 10% to 13%. Its a 30% increase Over time, those things really pay off.AdamWe cant always control the time that we get scheduled to take a test or interview for a job. But theres an interesting shift in the data with one group of students who take a test at the wrong time but still do better.DanielOh yeah, this is actually a remedy for a lot of what happens during that daily dip. If you give those kids a 20-30 minute break, and they run around the playground, their scores not only go back up, but go a little bit higher.I was blown away by the research on breaks. And you can extend this into things like recess, where you have many school districts pulling back on recess in the name of raising standardized test scores, in fact, you might want to do the exact opposite.AdamIm curious, what are we supposed to be doing during our breaks? Adult recess?DanielThats not a terrible idea, actually. We should be taking more breaks, and the kinds of breaks we should be taking is one of those areas where it distills very nicely into some design principles.Heres what we know- number one something is better than nothing. A one- or two-minute break is better than no break at all. The second thing is that moving is better than being stationary. Outside is better than inside. The research has been around for a while- the replenishing effects of nature are just amazing.This is a really interesting one social is better than solo. Breaks with other people are more restorative than breaks on our own, even with introverts.And then the last one fully detached beats semi-detached. So you want to leave your phone behind, you want to not talk about work- you just want to detach. And in terms of length, it can be 10 or 15 minutes.So there is a Platonic ideal a ten-minute break with friends, walking around outside, leavi ng your phone behind, and talking about something other than work.Theres research showing that time of day explains about 20% of the variance in how people perform on cognitive tasks. Thats a big deal.AdamShifting gears, I think theres some bigger questions about life decisions here. Growing up, my mom always told me that everything in life is timing- you can meet the same person but not fall in love with them if you met them at the wrong time.And I hated hearing that, because it means that so much of our lives is out of our control. And yet youre saying there are things that you can control. Like timing a job interview for example- could you talk to us about when its best to be the first candidate interviewed versus taking the last slot?DanielOn the first point, what your mother is talking about is essentially fortune, circumstance, luck- and thats a big factor in our lives. We dont like thinking about that, we dont like talking about the utter randomness of the things that happen to us. Its disturbing. But there are some things we can control.Lets talk about job interviews- theres a sequence effect. Most jurisdictions for voting have randomized ballots, but theres a huge advantage of being first on a ballot. When else is it of value to go first? Its better to go first when you are not the default candidate.A lot of times, decision makers have a default in their back pocket. For things that are kind of binary- yes or no- the default answer usually is no. If you go ask a boss for a raise, the default answer is no- your boss has no in her back pocket. If youre in sales and you ask somebody to buy something, the default answer is no. If you ask somebody out for a date, the default answer is no.So when are people likely to overcome the default? Theyre more likely to overcome the default earlier in the day than later. So if youre first and youre not the default candidate, you have a little bit of an edge.If there arent that many candidates, going first has an adva ntage. If there are limited candidates and strong candidates, youre also better off going first because of the Gamblers Fallacy, which is saying, I flipped a coin four times and it was heads, heads, heads, heads The next time I flip, it cant possibly be heads againThe Gamblers Fallacy in decision making is that somebody sees, Great candidate, great candidate, great candidate The fourth? Well, I cant have four great candidates in a row, so Im actually going to mark down the fourth one. So amongst a limited number of strong candidates, youre better off going first.If you are the default, youre better off going toward the end. Because later in the day, in general, people will lean toward the default decision. Youre also better off going last if there are a lot of candidates, due to the recency effect.The thing that is probably most germane for real life is that if the decision makers are not totally clear on the criteria, youre better off going later. Because a lot of decision makers- even in job interviews- will use those first interviews to figure out what it is they want. So they basically use the other people to establish their criteria, and then you come along Ah, thats what I was looking forThose are some rules of thumb, and again, you need to recognize that youre just turning the dial. Youre increasing probability by a few points. But if you can increase your probability from 12% to 17% and you go on eight interviews, thats pretty good.AdamSo lets say Ive taken my first job out of college or MBA program, and then I have to decide when to leave that job. How do I decide when to quit?DanielPeople are most likely to quit on the one-year, two-year, three-year anniversary of their job, these temporal markers.At the most satisfying jobs, people have control, and theyre challenging. So think about a job that is in your control but not challenging- youre bored. Think about a job that is not in your control but is challenging- youre going to burn out. Think about a job thats neither- youre just adrift. A job thats both in your control and challenging is a good job.So project out to your anniversary and think, Which of these squares will I be in? If you cant get to the right square, then I think its time to consider leaving.The other thing that comes out is the research on the salary benefits of switching jobs, which was surprising to me. Take two similarly situated people, Fred and Ed. They both graduated from college, theyre the same level of ability, but Fred graduates in a recession, Ed graduates in a boom. That shows up in their wages literally 20 years later- Fred is still behind. The unemployment rate when you graduate from college is a predictor of what your wages will be 20 years later, which is terrifying.Why is this going on? What matters really is that Fred has far less mobility than Ed. Ed takes a job, and Ed is looking for the right match for his skills. You dont usually get that right away, so you will often switch to figure out , Oh, this is what Im good at, this is what Im not good at. Switch. Oh I stink at that, but Im pretty good at that. Switch. That allows you to find the right work for your skills.Some people have more advantages. But timing- thats something you can do something about.Also, within those changes is a pay increase. So Ed finds his way to the right match for his skills far earlier, which leads to the higher wages. Whereas Fred says, This is a terrible match. I want to leave, but the labor market is too muddy- I cant do that. So Im going to stay at this job, then when the labor market finally tightens up, I can move. Hes not making these matching moves as quickly- hes already s-lost a couple of years, and it adds up in a fairly terrifying way.AdamSo Ed was doing more job-hopping and getting a higher salary- the data suggests that Ed is going to be richer, but less happy. Emily Bianchi has these studies that show people who graduate during economic recessions are happier with their jobs 2 0 years later because theyre grateful to have jobs, and the people who graduate during a boom are like, Wow, I could have a much better job. My life is terrible. So can you help us get both wealth and satisfaction?DanielUm, no- I think thats actually a really good point. In a tighter job market where there are more opportunities and more hopping, you inevitably trigger social comparison, which corrodes our sense of well-being. If youre in a situation where you are lucky to just have a job, you had the career equivalent of a near-death experience, and youre grateful. Youre satisfied with what you have.I think theres a way to square the circle here, which basically has the benefits of economic success, but uses other techniques to mitigate or dampen the social comparison aspect.You actually offered up one technique to me when we were together once. Its basically, Dont compare yourself, because I dont care how well you do, theres always someone whos doing better. So instead of comparin g yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself five years ago. I think thats actually really healthy. That could be a decent way of saying, Hey, even though Joe Schmutz over there worked for a hedge fund and is now a gazillionaire, Im a lot better than I was five years ago. Im actually making a decent living and supporting my family.Also, focus on other virtues besides money. Focus on,Do I have meaningful relationships? Do I have a sense of purpose?This article first appeared on Heleo.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 Ways Women Can Ditch the Overwhelm and Build a Career

5 Ways Women Can Ditch the Overwhelm and Build a Career5 Ways Women Can Ditch the Overwhelm and Build a Career5 Ways Women Can Ditch the Overwhelm and Build a CareerIt wasnt long ago when women were expected to stay home and take care of the children and household while men went to work to bring home the bacon. In 1952, barely 30% of women held jobs. Now, they make up nearly half the U.S. labor forcean estimated 41 million wage earners.Even more, approximately 6.2 million women own their own companies, contributing nearly $2.4 trillion to the economy. So, women are not only bringing home the bacon, theyre frying it up as well.Lynn Weiner, a dean at Chicagos Roosevelt University, wrote about the history of the female labor force in zu sich study, From Working Girl to Working Mother. She notes that before World War II, working women were mainly single, fresh off the farm, and working in factories. Today, theyre more likely to be harried mothers, madly juggling business meetings with ki ds day-care schedules. Juggling multiple responsibilities of family and a career can overwhelm even the most ambitious woman if shes not careful. So, how can we manage our career paths and advance in our careers if were overwhelmed in our current situations?Here are five keys to managing all of that while building your career1)Identify and Maintain a Clear Path. Many of my female clients tell me, I just want a job. Who can be picky in this economy? While its true that balance and flexibility are required in these challenging times, totally abandoning your career goals for just a job is counterproductive. tischset a goal and take definitive steps toward it. In the long run, employers will ask you why you took a job as a credit repair specialist when what you really wanted was to be a public health educator. Ultimately, it will take you even longer to reach your goal because you stepped off the path.2)Take Small Steps Toward Your Goal. Looking down the road at owning your own business might be a bit intimidating. Since you have already mapped out your plan (right?), take tiny steps along the path youve already identified. Learn about and identify the best business structure identify partners, officers, or board members decide on a mission for the business, develop a marketing plan, etc. One step at a time3)Set Deadlines. Setting deadlines to complete the tasks youve mapped out helps you stay on top of each item thats necessary to move you closer to your goal. Decide on a time frame and stick to it. Do you need to enroll in that business course by July to reserve your seat for the fall semester? Have you said you would file incorporation papers for your business by January 15? The sense of accomplishment you feel as you meet each deadline will keep you motivated to continue.4)Join Forces. Find rckendeckung by joining organizations of women who have similar ambitions. Three such groups areAdvancing Women provides career and business strategy, tools, and resources to support your career, business, and leadership goals.Women of Vision Empowerment Network provides mentoring from professional coaches through online resources.eWomenNetwork provides a comprehensive suite of services to help women market and promote themselves.5)Dont Forget Family. Sometimes, we get so busy reaching for our goals that we forget those we want to be standing with us when we get there. Dont forget to schedule time with your children and spouse. Mini-dates, game nights, or even involving them in your activities is important. I have had my daughter serve as intern for a day in my office. She felt grown up, and we got to spend time together while I worked. Reaching your goals is much more fulfilling when you have someone to share them with.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

5 Signs a Job Seeker Is Ready for the Startup World

5 Signs a Job Seeker Is Ready for the Startup World 5 Signs a Job Seeker Is Ready for the Startup World Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you’d like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! This Weeks Question: Working for a startup comes with its own unique challenges and rewards, and not everyone is cut out for the startup life. As the owner of a startup, how can you tell when a prospective employee is ready to work for your team? The answers below are provided by members of FounderSociety, an invitation-only organization comprised of ambitious startup founders and business owners. 1. Look at Their Job History and Social Activity You can get a good idea of an individuals character and work ethic by taking a look at their previous job experiences and online social profiles especially LinkedIn. Take the time to research each of your potential hires and see how their online actions and previous work experiences represent their entrepreneurial spirit, drive, and work ethic. - Zac Johnson, Blogging.org 2. Decide Whether They Have Passion and Vision Building a startup is building a company culture. When the interviewee not only can clearly communicate the companys vision, but is also truly passionate about it, thats a good sign that they might be a good fit. Startups can have high risks, but also high rewards, and people flexible enough to deal with those challenges are typically the ones that will thrive in the startup environment. - Steven Newlon, SYN3RGY Creative Group 3. Decide Whether They Can See a Project Through to Completion Are they simply ready do the whole job and not delegate everything to a team they manage? In a startup environment, every employee must complete tasks below their pay grade from time to time. If they understand this and truly are willing to do the work, then they might be a good fit for a startup. If they have any hesitation about it at all, dont hire them. - Marty McDonald, Bad Rhino Inc 4. See If They Are Prepared to Work Outside Their Comfort Zone Key early employees need to be specialists, but they have to be okay with occasionally working outside their comfort zone. This includes tasks or duties that are both above and below their equivalent role at a large company. If they arent excited about rolling up their sleeves when duty calls, neither party will be happy. - John Arroyo, Arroyo Labs, Inc. 5. Ask About Their Most Menial Job Startups involve a lot of really exciting, important work. At the same time, there is a fair amount of mundane, boring work that is often done by people who are overqualified to do it, simply because there are so few people at the company. Ask the prospective employee to describe the most menial job theyve ever had and how they coped. From their answer, youll be able to quickly gauge whether or not theyre down for anything. - Lisa Curtis, Kuli Kuli 6. I Was Unemployable I never chose to be an entrepreneur, but I have grown to become one despite who I was. I realized early on that I make a terrible employee because Im impatient to work for someone elses dream. I am a great team player when Im working on something Im crazy passionate about. Otherwise, I would be a frustrating person to manage. Entrepreneurship suits my type of personality well. - Julian Flores, GetOutfitted, Inc.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to Ask for a Job

How to Ask for a Job How to Ask for a Job The words “Know anyone hiring?” or “I’m here looking for job opportunities” can shut down a networking conversation faster than spinach in your teeth or talking politics! When you focus only on what you can gain from a networking event, you come across as needy and frankly, boring. Concentrate on presenting the caring, curious and resourceful person you really are. Instead of using those phrases, try one of these lines instead: “I’d really love to work on a team like that!” Let’s say you’re at an event and you run into someone you know for a fact is hiring for a really cool position on their team and you want to be part of it. Weave this little line into the conversation. It’s not only a great way to nudge your contact into talking to you about it, it also shows that you are familiar with their industry. Ask a few questions based around their needs or timeline and then ask how to get in touch to learn more. Follow up the next day with an email to get your foot in the front door. “What are your thoughts on _____________?” There is a super special magic that happens when you give before you take and it will help you get ahead in your career. Do some research on the person/company you’re hoping to connect with at the networking event and find a way to show your value before you even touch on the interview step. After you ask the question, allow the person to talk, and talk, and talk. “What new venture are you up to these days?” You know that person, the one who always seems to have some new venture or startup going on that you would love to work for â€" and if not, they’re connected to other movers and shakers! Leading in with this conversation starter will help uncover potential job opportunities and gives you the chance to share resources as well as set up a time to talk more about where you might fit in their new venture. When you make asking for a job less about the fact that you’re ready to make a move or you’re completely unemployed and more about starting a two-way conversation, the more chances you will have of extending the conversation beyond happy hour. Showing interest and sharing will make referrals, recommendations and interview requests come your way even if the person you’re talking to isn’t hiring. Odds are, he or she will be so impressed with you that they are willing to pass your name along to someone who is!

Monday, November 18, 2019

IMECE Technical Program to Feature Plenary Presentations NSF P...

IMECE Technical Program to Feature Plenary Presentations NSF P... IMECE Technical Program to Feature Plenary Presentations NSF P... IMECE Technical Program to Feature Plenary Presentations, NSF Programming This year, approximately 2,500 engineers from industry, academia, government agencies, research institutes and other areas are expected to attend ASMEs International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) the worlds largest interdisciplinary mechanical engineering conference from Nov. 9-15 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pa. The technical program for IMECE 2018 will feature more than 470 sessions over 16 technical tracks exploring such topics as advanced manufacturing; energy; advances in aerospace technology; biomedical and biotechnology engineering; engineering education; heat transfer and thermal engineering; dynamics, vibration and control; mechanics of solids, structures and fluids; materials; fluids engineering; design, reliability, safety and risk; micro- and nanosystems engineering and packaging; and acoustics, vibration and phononics. The program this year will also feature 20 track plenary presentations, including Manufacturing for X by ASME Fellow Jian Cao of Northwestern University, Autonomous Vehicle Safety: Tomorrows Rewards Versus Todays Reality by ASME Fellow Roger McCarthy of McCarthy Engineering; Acoustofluidics: Merging Acoustics and Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications by ASME Fellow Tony Jun Huang of Duke University; Thoughts on the Future of Power Generation: A Low Carbon Perspective by ASME Fellow Ahmed F. Ghoniem of Massachusetts Institute of Technology; The Future of Aerospace Materials: Challenges and Opportunities by Richard Vaia of the Air Force Research Laboratory; and Biological Materials and Mechanics: Challenges and Opportunities by Marc Meyers of the University of California, San Diego. On Wednesday, Nov. 14, the National Science Foundation (NSF) will offer a full day of programming, beginning with a panel discussion that will provide an overview of the Foundations Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Division and its programs, followed by an NSF proposal development workshop covering the fundamentals of successful grant proposal writing for the NSF. The day will also include a session providing an overview of the NSFs Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET) Division as well as one-on-one sessions with NSF program directors during which principal investigators can discuss their research proposals with their choice of NSF program directors. IMECE 2018 will also offer four special Honoring Symposia commemorating the contributions of four distinguished academic leaders: Yehoshua (Shuki) Frostig of the Technion ? Israel Institute of Technology, Devdas Pai of North Carolina AT State University, Kirti (Karman) Ghia of the University of Cincinnati, and ASME Medalist and Honorary Member Frank Kreith. There are still some remaining IMECE sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities. For more information, please contact Joyce J. Ginsburg at ginsburgj@asme.org or (773) 456-2153. To see the complete IMECE 2018 technical program online, visit www.asme.org/events/imece/program. For more information on the ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, or to register, visit www.asme.org/events/imece. Get the latest updates on this years event by following #IMECE2018 on Twitter.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Customize this Impressive Billing Clerk Resume Sample

Customize this Impressive Billing Clerk Resume Sample Customize this Impressive Billing Clerk Resume Sample Getting your foot in the door with a hiring company begins with your resume. Because it is the first impression you make, it must be professional, well-written, and display your best qualifications. Many people find resume writing to be daunting, but reading a sample resume typically makes them feel more secure in their own writing. We created a billing clerk resume sample to help you determine how to format your work and which information is most important for you to include. Using it in conjunction with our writing guidelines will make writing your own document easier. If you are still stumped, check out our resume builder for even more assistance.Create Resume Hope SandersProfessional SummaryOrganized and experienced Billing Clerk with more than five years of experience billing and collecting payments from clients. Knowledge of common accounting software, inputting payment and billing information in the computer and issuing billing invoices regularly. Strong customer service skil ls and experience working out payment agreements with clients.Core QualificationsAccounting SoftwarePayment Processing SoftwareInvoice DevelopmentClient RelationsMath SkillsCustomer ServiceWork ExperienceBilling Clerk, November 2013 May 2015United Manufacturing of California New Cityland, CACreated up to 1,000 bills and invoices each month that ranged from a few hundred dollars to more than $50,000Checked invoices for errors and math mistakes before mailing copies to clientsContacted clients over the phone regarding past due accounts and worked out payment agreements and arrangements to help them catch upSent copies of all invoices paid in full to clients for their own personal and business recordsAssisted clients in purchasing the right products and items based on their needs and budgetsBilling Clerk, June 2012 October 2013Los Angeles Community Hospital Los Angeles, CAResponsible for contacting patients insurers regarding services administered in the hospitalSent billing invoic es to patients and their insurers to show them the total amount each service cost and the amount remaining on the billContacted patients over the phone and through the mail about past due accountsHelped patients work out arrangements to pay their hospital bills based on their income levelsWorked out reduced payment agreements regarded treatments given to patientsEducation2010 Associate of Science, AccountingLos Angeles Community College Los Angeles, CACustomize ResumeWhy Is This a Good Billing Clerk Resume Sample?Understanding why a sample resume is an excellent one means knowing what to look for in a good document. Start by reading over the professional summary on this billing clerk resume sample. Hiring managers like to see a statement that is three sentences long, which is exactly what this applicant provided. Her first sentence offered important basic information: her job title, how much experience she had, and what her most prominent duty was. The second sentence mentioned kno wledge in important software as well a slightly more detailed description of her duties. Finally, she used the last sentence to play up her customer service skills.In the next section, which is reserved for core skills and qualifications, the applicant created a short bullet list to make the section easy to read. She also listed the most important skills first and kept the least important ones at the bottom, ensuring the hiring manager would get the best impression, even if he or she only read the first two or three bullet points.The applicant knew exactly how to format her experience section in this billing clerk resume sample. She provided her job title, the dates she worked, the company name, and its location before providing a bulleted list of her achievements or tasks at each job. Each job had enough bullet points to provide a well-rounded description without being too long, and each bullet point began with a strong action verb. Action verbs show you achieved something at your previous job and should be used instead of phrases such as “responsible for,” which causes your resume to read more like a job description.Finally, the applicant provided a succinct education section. She stuck to the basic information, which was the degree earned, the date earned, and the name and location of the institution it was earned from.Why You Need a Strong Billing Clerk ResumeNearly 1.5 million people already work as billing clerks, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects nearly 90,000 more jobs to become available by 2014. While the 6 percent growth rate is average, it also means there will be more people competing for the positions. If you want to stand out from dozens or even hundreds of other applicants, your resume must use some of the same tactics our billing clerk resume sample did. Beyond that, you must ensure you provide the right information. The average hiring manager only looks over a resume for six seconds. In addition to providing the most important qu alifications at the top, be sure to include the information they look for most often. The information includes your education, previous job titles, and which companies you worked for and when. Providing the right information in the right order helps you stand out.Costly Billing Clerk Resume Mistakes To AvoidCertain mistakes on your resume can turn a hiring manager off completely from contacting you. Are there gaps in your work history? When providing dates, provide only years to omit some of those gaps. In addition, avoid adding too much information. You only need to include 10 or 15 years of work history. Quantitative information is also important. Although this billing clerk resume sample is excellent, it could have been made even stronger by mentioning a statistic or percentage, such as lowering billing mistakes by a certain percentage. Proper formatting is a huge part of creating an excellent resume. Always use a professional font in traditional black, and avoid flashy or colorf ul resume templates. Bold your headers and with the exception of the professional summary, always use bullet points to make the resume easy to skim over. Use present tense when talking about a current position and past tense for any previous positions. Above all else, proofread your resume at least twice before submitting.ConclusionCrafting an engaging resume that displays your biggest achievements in the field is important if you want to gain the attention of hiring managers. Like the billing clerk resume sample, your work must be well-organized and provide the most important information first. Luckily, the sample, our included writing guidelines, and our resume builder make it much easier for you to create your own document. You’ll be receiving interview calls soon.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The 7 personal branding trends that will motivate your employees

The 7 personal branding trends that will motivate your employees The 7 personal branding trends that will motivate your employees Personal brands  matter to everyone, not just startup founders and public speakers. In the age of social media, every employee owns a unique personal brand, and most employees want to grow those brands to boost their careers.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!As the boss, you can help your team members accomplish that goal by providing the guidance and opportunities they need to flourish. Even if you invest in people who eventually leave your company to pursue other passions, they’ll remember the help you provided and speak highly of your brand to others in their network. That positive word-of-mouth advertising could pay major dividends down the road.Follow these best practices to help employees cultivate strong personal brands:1. Provide content contribution opportunitiesDo you publish all your company’s content under your own name - or, worse, the brand’s name? If so, you’re not just missing opportunities to help employees grow their personal brands - you’re also missing out on better audience engagement. Consumers prefer content that comes from people over brands, so give employees opportunities to express themselves and attach their names to their work. Offering different voices and perspectives will increase your readership and cultivate long-term interest.2. Encourage time ownershipDon’t micromanage employees or give them simple lists of tasks to accomplish. Instead, teach them  calendar management  or download  top calendar apps, and provide opportunities for workers to use their time more wisely. You hired smart people for a reason, and the more opportunities they have to explore their innovative sides, the more confidence they’ll gain. That’s good for them, good for your company, and a good look for anyone thinking about joining your team.3. Invest in educationThe digital world requires diverse skill sets. To stand out from the crowd, workers today need to know about more than just the tasks in their job descriptions. Invest in training opportunities for your employees, such as conferences or subscriptions to online educational resources. Ambitious team members will use their newfound knowledge to innovate and explore for your company.4. Create mentorship connectionsDespite the popularity of new communication tools, young people at work prefer face-to-face communication over emails and IMs. Provide opportunities for more experienced employees to mentor younger ones. The “old” hands can grow their management chops, while the younger staffers can get more hands-on experience under the guidance of people who know the industry well. Both sides get to accelerate their growth while helping each other.5. Help speakers step upSpeaking engagements  provide valuable connections and visibility for your brand, and your employees want in on the action. Instead of hogging the limelight yourself, help your employees get speaking gigs at trade shows, schools, association meetings, and conferences. When employees suffer from stage fright, help them overcome their fears by letting them create and publish short videos on the company website. The content will help you now, while the experience will help them later.6. Get active in the communityModern audiences prefer brands that give back. Employees, too, want to work for companies that strive for more than profits. Get involved in community efforts, and let employees lead the way. Use your network to connect with local leaders, then step back and let team members handle the specifics. Your brand will look good, your community will benefit, and your employees will add to their growing prestige.7. Acknowledge the value of failureNo one grows without failure. Implement company policies that encourage smart risks. Never punish employees who take a risk and miss; your team members need to know they can explore without fear of retribution. When your emp loyees know you have their back, they’ll feel more confident about their ability to innovate - a vital component of any strong personal brand.The more you invest in your employees’ personal brands, the more your company’s reputation will spread. Eventually, your industry will be filled with thought leaders who all point to your company as a catalyst for their growth. Take advantage of every opportunity to help your employees expand their influence - it will pay dividends for you both.This article first appeared on Personal Branding Blog.    You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, November 15, 2019

Its OK to Not Have a Job Right After Graduation - The Muse

Its OK to Not Have a Job Right After Graduation - The Muse Its OK to Not Have a Job Right After Graduation As I began approaching the last few weeks of my final year in college, panic slowly started to creep in. Why? Well, I hadn’t managed to land a job yet. And, in my circle of friends- which was filled with overachievers who were scoring these seemingly dreamy gigs like there was nothing to it- my lack of employment was definitely something to be embarrassed about. Along with the panic came a lot of self-doubt. None of the places I interviewed at wanted to hire me, which obviously meant I was terrible. It wasn’t long before I resigned myself to the fact that I had earned my four-year degree only to return to dishing out pizza slices in my hometown restaurant. If you’re quickly closing in on graduation with these exact same thoughts, rest assured that I know how you’re feeling. I walked many, many miles in your shoes, so I know first-hand how disheartening it can be to not have a fancy new title to gloat to your friends about. But, let me tell you something important: Just because you don’t have an amazing offer right now doesn’t mean you’ll never get one. Those last few months of college truly don’t set the tone for the entire future of your career- no matter how much it may feel like it. It’s totally OK to not have a great gig lined up right after you graduate. In fact, I think there are a lot of positive things to be said for it. Here are just a few of them. 1. Time to Recharge Is Never Bad Yes, there will definitely be a time when you look back fondly and miss your college life. But, let’s just say it- college can be pretty tough too. You need to juggle finals, papers, a part-time job, and a social life (if you’re lucky). So, nobody can blame you for feeling a little burnt out by the time graduation rolls around. Sure, there was a big part of me that was screaming on the inside at the idea of moving back into my childhood bedroom in order to live the unemployed life in my parents’ house for a while. But, if I’m being perfectly honest, it really wasn’t all that bad. On the contrary, really- it was actually kind of nice. No, it’s not something I wanted to do forever. But, having a couple of months after the whirlwind of college to decompress, switch gears, and (most importantly) figure out what I wanted out of a career, was truly a good thing. When I finally did get an offer, I was able to get started with a fresh mindset and some recharged batteries- unlike my friends who walked right off campus and straight into a cubicle. 2. Speed Doesn’t Necessarily Equal Success You feel like a failure for not knowing your immediate next step after graduation. I get it- I’ve been there. But, believe me when I say that the speed at which you’re able to land a job really has no impact on your future success. So, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that your lab partner who already has a gig lined up is destined for a future as a CEO- while you’ll never make it past the mail room. It’s simply not true. Here’s a personal example: I had a friend who was offered a position two full months before she put on that cap and gown. We were all jealous. But, we later found out there wasn’t much to be envious of. Why? Well, the majority of her daily responsibilities included using the copier and making breakfast runs for the top-level executives. Yes, she landed that position right away. But, that really didn’t end up meaning I would be a full step behind for the rest of our professional lives. In all honesty, there really wasn’t much to catch up with. 3. You’ll Make Your Friends Jealous I spent the last portion of my college career turning green with envy over my friends who already had positions waiting for them. They had a plan. They knew where they were going. However, when college came to a close and we all moved on? Surprisingly, the tables turned and they all ended up being jealous of me. While the idea of jumping right into adult life sounded good in theory, it turns out that it wasn’t so glamorous in practice. They were all up at the crack of dawn preparing for their morning commutes. I got to sleep in a little before spending the day job hunting. They all felt like their lives were consumed by nothing but work. Me? I had more free time than ever before. Of course, that didn’t mean I wanted to remain unemployed forever. But, being able to brag about my leisurely lifestyle- when they had spent the last few months hanging their “real world” jobs over my head? Well, I’ll admit there was a little bit of sweetness to that. Not having a position lined up for you right after college graduation can seem like the end of the world. But, I promise you, it’s not. In fact, there are actually some real upsides to having a little bit of downtime after you get your degree. And, if you ever feel yourself spiraling into panic mode about your career future again, just remember me. It took me six months to land my first job out of college, and I turned out just fine- as least, I hope so.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Minimum And Maximum Ages For Military Pilots

The Minimum And Maximum Ages For Military Pilots The Minimum And Maximum Ages For Military Pilots United States Military pilots are selected and trained to be some of the best pilots in the world. Each of the services has different age requirements to become a pilot or navigator. Becoming a military pilot is a highly competitive process and requires a candidate to be at the top of his/her game both physically and  mentally.  Achieving high standards on any entrance exam tests such as the Aviation Selection Test Battery, Physical Fitness Tests (PFT), as well as Officer Aptitude Rating, and even the ASVAB. Navy and Marine Corps To become a Naval or Marine Corps Aviator, you must be between the ages of 19 and 26 at the time you enter flight training. Adjustments (waivers) can be made up to 24 months for those with prior service, and up to 48 months for those already in the military at the time of application. To become a Naval/USMC aviator, you will have to pass the Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB). It consists of five timed subsets: mathematics and verbal, mechanical comprehension, aviation and nautical, spatial perception, and a survey gauging interest in aviation. About 10,000 candidates sit for the exam each year.  The Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB) is used by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard to select candidates for pilot and flight officer training programs.   Air Force Must meet a selection board before age 28 1/2. Must enter Undergraduate Flying Training (UPT) before age 30. Age waivers up to the age of 35 are considered. To qualify as an air force pilot, you will need at least a bachelor’s degree, earned at either a civilian college or university or the Air Force Academy, located outside Colorado Springs, CO. The Air Force uses the Air Force Officer Qualifying Aptitude Test (AFOQT). Similar to the ASVAB, this Air Force Test consists of 12 sub-tests to include: Verbal analogies, math, science, reading, table reading, and of course aviation information. The Air Force prefers science, math, and engineering degrees, such as aerospace engineering, physics, computer science, and chemistry. You will also need to have a high college grade point average, generally 3.4 or above, to be competitive. Candidates with civilian flight training, such as a private pilots license, also tend to fare better with the selection board than those with no flying experience. Army  (Rotary Wing) -  All NEW Aviators Fly Helicopters Must not have reached the 33rd birthday as of the date of the convening board. Waivers for those who are 33 or 34 years of age at the time of the board may be considered, provided the applicant is otherwise exceptionally highly qualified. (Note: this means the applicant has a bachelors degree, a high college GPA, flight training, or very high scores on the Army Flight Aptitude Exam. However, you can also join the Aviation Community of the Army right out of high school if you qualify for the Army  Warrant Officer Flight Training Program.  The Warrant Officer Pilot program allows for young men and women without college degrees to become pilots. If you don’t have a bachelor’s degree, the Army will test you using the ASVAB, college entrance exams like the SAT, or ACT to assess your qualifications for Officer Candidate School (OCS). The Army does have several fixed-wing aircraft in its inventory, but these are limited to seasoned and experienced aviators. Secondly, the Army is unique because Warrant Officer Flight Training (WOFT) contains a program casually called “street-to-seat” or “high-school-to-flight-school.” If selected, you sign a contract. If not selected, you have no obligation to the Army and are still a civilian. The WOFT Application Process works to eliminate those without the motivation to follow through as it is more difficult than it appears. Coast Guard The Coast Guard does not accept pilot applications unless the person has already been a military pilot in a different service. The Coast Guard currently uses the ASTB score to select pilot candidates for training on Coast Guard planes and helicopters.   To apply, one must be over 21 and under 32 years of age, must have at least 500 hours as a rated military pilot, and must have full-time flying experience within two years of the application. To join the Coast Guard as an officer, you must qualify on portions of the ASVAB and the SAT and ACT college entry tests.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to Break Into the Data Science Industry - The Muse

How to Break Into the Data Science Industry - The Muse How to Break Into the Data Science Industry In the climax of the Academy Award-nominated film Hidden Figures, mathematician Katherine Johnson is called to verify calculations for the landing coordinates of John Glenn’s space capsule, Friendship 7. Technology has just replaced human computers, the data-calculating people who completed complex equations before the computer system’s advent, but the data from the machine had discrepancies that needed to be solved by a person. That was data science in 1961. These days, things are a little different. Complex data collection systems enable companies in every sector to learn more about their businesses, clients, and future prospects. But much like in Hidden Figures, people are still needed to find important truths from within the data. Here's the scoop on how we use data science every day and the essential skills you need to be successful as a data scientist, engineer, or analyst. Data Science Is Everywhere The potential for data scientists far beyond finance and tech industries is flourishing. “There’s a growing realization across all sectors that data science skills have become essential for competing and improving in today’s marketplace,” says Michael Galvin, executive director of Data Science Corporate Training for Metis, a data science skills training company that works with individuals and businesses. Think about cookies. No, not the ones you dip in milk- the powerful data gathering tools that help data analysts, scientists, and engineers learn about consumer web habits and inform the algorithms around those “how’d-they-know-I-was just-thinking-of-that?!” ads we’re shown on Facebook. Their goal? To assess consumer interests and behavior and use those analytics to help make key business decisions- for companies across all sectors. “There’s a broader awareness of data science in the mainstream. Affecting everything from Amazon purchases to Netflix binges, data science is touching more people than ever before,” says Galvin. How You Fit In With the growth in data science fields, there’s been an increased overlap between the roles of data scientist, data analyst, and modeler. But according to Dr. Flavio Villanustre, Vice President of Technology and HPCC Systems for LexisNexis Risk Solutions, the distinction between various positions is actually quite unique- and presents opportunities for those gifted in specific areas. “Data analysts traditionally specialize in data manipulation techniques, which require training in everything from query languages to graphical data models,” says Villanustre. “Meanwhile modelers analyze numerical data for correlations and patterns.” When it comes to data science, Villanustre explains that ideal candidates should showcase a superset of these two types of skills compounded with domain and business knowledge. “Data scientists usually possess deeper knowledge than the data analyst about programming techniques and broader knowledge than statistical modelers about data analytical methodologies using more sophisticated techniques.” When applying to these positions, it’s important to note what tasks a company is really looking to have performed. “The buzz around data science has resulted in many companies hiring data scientists to do a data analyst’s job, who ends up cleansing and preparing data and spending very little time doing actual data science,” explains Nick Kramer, Senior Director of Data and Analytics at SSA Company, a management consulting firm that specializes in transforming big data analytics into operations for companies. New tools are allowing analytics models to be created by those with lower expertise levels, so diversified, related skills like business knowledge and effective communication skills are important to set job seekers apart. When interviewing, be sure to ask questions to hone in on exactly what a company is seeking- then showcase your strengths accordingly. Our Office See Their Open Jobs At New York Life Technology What You Need to Be Successful The old adage about not seeing the forest for the trees is an important thing to remember when working as a data scientist, analyst, or engineer. While the accuracy of core data is important, so is acknowledging the overarching picture of the problems a company hopes to solve. “There’s a tendency among data scientists to overcomplicate things and get sucked into a black hole of details,” warns Galvin. “Instead, they should think about the business problem they’re trying to solve, get something working, and then iterate.” Moreover, an interest in what you’re doing- as is true of any job- is essential as well. “Companies work with different kinds of data (like images, text, and financial data) on different problems. You need to be interested in and understand the kind of data you’ll be working with in order to succeed,” said Galvin. “For example, data scientists who work with medical images aren’t typically doctors themselves, but their end user or client will be a doctor. Can you understand what problems they’re trying to solve? Are you interested in solving those problems?” And then there’s communication. It’s said that data scientists, analysts, and engineers speak their own language, but to be successful in a workplace, you need to be able to communicate clearly with those who will utilize and benefit most from your skills. “Collaborating with business stakeholders is increasingly important,” said Kramer. Data science and its related careers have come a long way from the 1960s when NASA needed human computers to harness and verify the work of new computer machines. But brilliant minds interested in how data can shape how we live, work, and do business are still as essential as ever- without a human expert to interpret both the inputs and the results, data science could be wildly misused, or just plain confusing.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Insider Secret on What Is Resume Title Discovered

The Insider Secret on What Is Resume Title Discovered What Everybody Dislikes About What Is Resume Title and Why There are a a variety of websites that are devoted to give help to compose resumes for various individuals like professional or a non-professional. Once you have prepared your email, you have to carefully proofread it. Most bland internet templates incorporate an interests section because they may be quite beneficial to school leavers and early careers, and templates must be applicable to numerous distinct readers and job seekers. There are essentially 3 styles of resumes. Top What Is Resume Title Secrets The standard of paper on which the resume is printed also matters a good deal, when it has to do with giving a professional appearance to your resume. Your professional resume is significant in lots of means. The look of your resume is essential. So unfortunately there's no magic number answer here. Getting the Best What Is Resume Title Naturally, but only i f there's an actual need. Thank goodness there's the Internet now where information is easy to discover! When looking at the price of a resume service, consider first what you've gone through to get where you're. Resume services can vary from very little money to huge amounts and each resume service will provide a wide range of services for you to pick from. One other important consideration for your resume is the kind of paper you use. A personal resume isn't a document that may be made once, and after that kept it safe for future uses. Some resumes don't have a typical format throughout. The format of your resume needs to be easy and plain. The History of What Is Resume Title Refuted Including an effective summary section at the peak of your resume is the ideal approach to receive your next boss excited to meet you and wish to call you in for an interview. Make certain you get somebody else to read your summary. If any new job experience needs to be added then just on e section needs to be incorporated between the texts without making any other alterations. Though the style of resume is popular in the work market, there are specific disadvantages which can't be ignored. What Everybody Dislikes About What Is Resume Title and Why Make certain it is focused and businesslike. Many trends of resumes have sprouted throughout the place in the past few years and they have takers too. To create a resume you will need to understand the prerequisites of the perspective employer for that specific job profile. Giving future employers references on your resume is a superb way to construct trust. They will look for a balance of interests. A possible employer doesn't need to understand about clubs or organizations that aren't related. The Bizarre Secret of What Is Resume Title Highlighting English Language skills is a vitally important portion of the English resume. In order to make certain that the resume writing is direct and focused, it is sugges ted that you begin with the general categories. When you're writing a resume, you're not writing your autobiography. Writing resumes has gotten so easy due to the internet coming into out lives in a huge way. Typically the HR would become your contact person and they may be in a better place to tell you which other formats or details they may need in addition to your resume. Resume ought to be kept easy and crispy. Employers will demand for at least two references when you submit an application for any job. An employer wishes in order to check at the very first page of your resume and see who you are, what you've done, and what exactly you would like to do. The Basic Facts of What Is Resume Title Resume Services are especially helpful when you're attempting to construct a winning resume that will get you the sort of job that you need and wish for. New jobs can help ex felons to develop into a region of the society. The tips below are a superb collection of resume help for felons who are eager to begin all over again by locating a good job. Resume tips for felons are a substantial assistance. You must choose the kind of resume in line with the job which you are interested in finding and the experience you've got. Looking at it differently will be able to help you develop a better solution to getting a job for those who have a felony. Whispered What Is Resume Title Secrets If you're thinking of requesting a greater position in your organization, be ready to present a new, updated resume prior to interviewing. You've got to design your application in a manner it interests the employer in going through your details and they're going to call you for the interview to talk about the further information. If your work title is accountant as an example, you may not need to list evidence of your creativity. As soon as your interview is completed, be certain to include your USP again in your thank you letter, along with a couple of quotes from the interview that demonstrate why it is you are such a great fit. Hiring Managers cannot afford to employ someone that lacks the essential skills, qualifications, and experience whenever there are many applicants out there. Resumes are produced to highlight the very best side of an individual.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Hidden Gem of What Is a Cv Resume

The Hidden Gem of What Is a Cv Resume The possible employer may think that your hobby would have a negative effect on your capacity to hold down a lengthy term position and can think you're only trying to fit in work all around your hobby and not the other way round. It's important to get a career program and re-visit it on a yearly basis, whether you're currently working, or searching for employment. In different parts of the planet, the expression CV keeps its American meaning. There's not a single right means to apply to get a job. In the usa, the primary difference between a CV and a resume is the function of the documents. Attempt to demonstrate that you're a confident and social individual. By comparison, the true value of the CV is independent of the unit where the measurement was taken, so it's a dimensionless number. The most frequently encountered issue with the CV joints is whenever the protective boot cracks or gets damaged. What Everybody Dislikes About What Is a Cv Resume and Why Licensure Nurse practitioners have to be licensed so as to practice. Pick an Appropriate Curriculum Vitae Format Make sure you select a curriculum vitae format that's right for the position you're applying for. Students often find it beneficial to review resumes from graduate students who got their very first job outside academe. What Is a Cv Resume Explained After you buy a callback or email response from the organization, you absolutely have to prepare your interview. The secret to getting it right is selecting the best CV format that could present your strengths in the very best way possible. It is going to surely stand out whether the details are displayed in a specialist format and are creatively written. If you would begin writing the resume directly, you can miss out any essential details that may force you to stick out from the crowd of applicants. A jobinterview is just one of the most significant elements of your job search. Listed following are a few basic strategies to allow you to find the hidden job industry. Networking If you're searching for a job one of the greatest tools you have at your disposal is your very own social network. Excellent luck with your work search! A resume doesn't need to be ordered chronologically, doesn't need to cover your entire career like and is a very customizable document. Experience Highlighting your experience has become the most significant part your resume. By way of example, even in North America, there are specific circumstances where a CV is necessary. Have a look at the MidlevelU Career Advisor Program if you're interested in assist with your work search approach! In the USA and Canada, there's a difference between a CV and a resume. If you wish to earn a great impression on employers, you need to work for it. If you are searching for work in the USA or Canada, odds are they'll request a resume. The employment history in functional resume is much more different from what is supplied in the standard resumes. Follow companies you want to work for. So, when you put in an application for work in Greece, the united kingdom, or Denmark, your prospective employer will ask you for a CV. It is what the majority of employers wish to see. International employers often utilize CVs too. Choosing Good What Is a Cv Resume The absolute most important consideration in the CV vs. resume debate is the sort of job you're applying for. Whether or not you take advantage of a CV or resume, you should thoroughly edit your document. Another opinion can be helpful in assisting you to craft a well-polished CV. Regardless of what make and model you want a CV axle for, you can receive the correct part at AutoZone. It is crucial to remember there are still rules for CV formatting, and that resumes still provide appreciable flexibility. Content determines the period of the CV. Use precisely the same language when you create a CV, therefore it's simpler for the man reading it to observe how you match up. Make certain there are not any spelling or grammatical errors. Your resume should always include things like work experience, most relevant to the place of the job you're applying. Even though most of resumes must offer info in your own work and education experience, along with your abilities and achievements, there is an assortment of strategies to present this info. If you aren't a member of an expert nurse practitioner organization, now's a great time to consider about joining. As is true with several nouns borrowed directly from Latin, there's often some confusion regarding the right way to form its plural. When you have found some jobs that interest you, the next thing to do is to apply for them and to prepare thoroughly for the whole hiring procedure, so that you can pass the interview and get a work offer.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Firefighter Resume Tips

Firefighter Resume Tips The New Angle On Firefighter Resume Just Released It is possible to also list transferable accomplishments from some other jobs. Too many resumes are incredibly wordy and difficult to follow. You've never been fired from work. Whether you get the work largely depends on in case you satisfy all the required set by the employer and the state you reside in. Firefighter Resume - the Story Bear in mind the psychological facet It is crucial to highlight you're physically equipped to manage the occupation on an own cover letter sample warehouse worker. It's getting increasingly more difficult out there to locate a job, the fire service included. How you wish to donate to the corporation. So when the hiring company hasn't provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to produce a fair estimate for what it is possible to count on. The 30-Second Trick for Firefighter Resume Fighting fire isn't going to be simple, an d occasionally a job which looks simple will be quite overwhelming. When building a resume for a job for a firefighter, it's vital that you illustrate your capacity to react to emergency conditions. The very first thing that you want to concentrate on when applying for employment is your firefighter resume. Thus, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a new light. It's unlikely they're hiring you to be a shoulder to cry on. Before it's possible to secure work, you should receive a foot in the door. At the bare minimum, you must always list a present job in case you have one. If you're thinking of being a firefighter, then you need to think about the above data when deciding where to do the job. Being a firefightermeans you wish to help people and be a huge portion of your community. Taking criticism from your peers are going to be a huge part of being a true leader and you may too start at the start. You're going to be getting hired by means of a community. Who Else Wants to Learn About Firefighter Resume? Not every employer is likely to request or even make it possible for you to offer a resume, whereas most if not all will require you to complete some sort of job application. Because an expert CV can improve your odds of getting hired we have prepared some firefighter resume examples that it is possible to download and edit in acco rdance with your profile. Sometimes people give up on a question because it appears technical, when all the info required to answer it's right there in front of those! If it is difficult for you to find out an answer, it's probably really hard for different folks too. You are trying to find a new challenge. When it has to do with writing a firefighter resume, the trick is to incorporate all your relevant certifications and training. Reviewing sample firefighter exam questions will help you reach your aim of becoming a firefighter. Utilizing one-page forces you to keep no more than the relevant and important information regarding you. You need to be prepared to experience extensive training in order to be ready for hazardous conditions. What You Need to Know About Firefighter Resume Your goal is to feel comfortable so you answer smoothly whenever the time comes. There's no penalty for guessing and at times you will guess correctly. Ostensibly, your pay letter might function as the very first connect ion with somebody so that it's important that it is a superb first impression for your advantage. The specific first thing you should do will make sure you're minding the cover letter. The 5-Minute Rule for Firefighter Resume Firefighter resumes in word format can grow to be structurally unsound after you send them. On occasion the reading material appears long and complicated. If you may use a computer, and are acquainted with Microsoft Word, then you ought to be in a position to do just fine. The computer is only going to recognize the key phrases and doesn't have the cognitive ability to interpret the context. You are interested in having a greater part in the training of new firefighters. Include why you would like to be a firefighter, talk about your education, and after that move onto your applicable job experience. Firefighting isn't an easy job, thus, should only develop into a firefighter if you're certain about the job. The very first step when you have complete d your training is to apply for employment in a department for a firefighter. Firefighters are in fact amazing folks! They don't need an education. The Firefighter Resume Stories Your cover letter is frequently the exact main intention of interaction involving you and the potential employer, that explains why it's extremely important that cover letters are created with attentive consideration. A resume isn't a work application. On the program, you're made to incorporate every job. You don't require thermal imaging to find that applicant is hot. The Fundamentals of Firefighter Resume Revealed A rather intriguing chain of positions one might say. For instance, you might attempt to send out a particular number of resumes each week. The perfect way to get started is to investigate the procedure for getting promoted. The test isn't meant to be one you need to study for.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Military Resume

What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Military Resume Again, your college career counselors ought to be in a position to help you with your resume. Resume writing is the main step in presenting your abilities and receiving the job that you desire. Be aware that the credential may call for additional education, training or experience before you're eligible for them. Whether you've got applicable technical abilities or merely military soft abilities, the trick to finding a job will be in understanding how to present the skills you have to an employer. To be able to be prosperous in your second career, you must have the ability to bring your military training and experience to your civilian employment, and that means you may make a larger impact within the industry organization and boost your value to the organization. When you wish to find the best resume help, it is possible to simply follow our lead. You require assistance with making a resume. Definitions of Military Resume When writing your professional military resume, our aim is to elevate your personal price and guarantee you are very competitive. For example, you may receive a sheet of advice, guidance and skilled help from folks who focus on converting military resumes into civilian ones or may pay a person to compose your paper instead. You may follow resume examples to get inspir ed, but you have to never copy somebody else's work. In virtually all instances, the reply is yes. The Battle Over Military Resume and How to Win It Professional resume writers understand the significance of their work, so they are always accountable for the very best result. Its certified federal writers incorporate top HR, technical, company and company professionals. Definitely, military to civilian executive resume writing can be rough for the job seekers and they can wind up with developing a poor resume also. Thousands of people throughout the world get hired, but a lot of others continue being unemployed. New Ideas Into Military Resume Never Before Revealed What military veterans should avoid when writing a resume Here are merely a few elements that veterans want to be careful about when creating their resumes, in addition to a few beneficial counter-strategies. Military rescue is an excellent solution for any transitioning military personnel. Leaving the military is often as much culture shock as enlisting. The military equips its personnel to manage various situations. Browse our military resume examples today to learn how we can assist you, or contact our team directly to find out more. If you see our site, it usually means that you're going to make the best decision and set your order with Pro-Papers. It's important to employ a service which provides you a fine price for top quality. The service of Resumarea is offered to clients at a sensible price that correlates to the significance of your self-presentation. It can likewise be hard to get prospective employers to find the value you're able to bring to their business if they're concerned about any reserve obligations you might have. The Federal hiring procedure is tedious, not not possible. Demonstrate the advantages of military service and the way it can assist a company with a vacant position. Don't discount the little guys Large, military friendly businesses have a tendenc y to have vast budgets for recruiting and advertising veterans. Finding Military Resume on the Web When it has to do with completing a CV, it is fairly hard to locate a more intricate task than writing an army resume. The mission of Resumarea is to assist you in making the initial and the main step in your job search. Take a look at our tips about how to acquire your military resume fit for a civilian job search. In the event you worry you can fail, there's always professional military resume help, prepared to serve your requirements and create a highly effective CV! The Number One Question You Must Ask for Military Resume Our Company is wholly mindful of needs concerning the transition professionals meet. Even within your intended industry, you're want to align your resume with the essentials of a particular job. If you're a transitioning Veteran searching for a career outside of military provider, you must own your transition. You'll get competent support and outstanding outcomes! If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Military Resume Most hiring managers recognize the standard duties and daily tasks of a specific position. To be a prosperous job candidate in any area, it will help to have a comprehensive resume. You will be more than qualified to take care of logistical errors and communication breakdowns than the typical employee. Our sample military resumes will allow you to realize what exactly recruiters are searching for in your resume.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Definitive Strategy to Samples Job Resume

The Definitive Strategy to Samples Job Resume Thus, your latest activity has to be listed first. You might also have your communication and disciplinary abilities, in addition to highlight how patient you're with your students. If you become professional help you've got in order to be active participant in the procedure. Once you've reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement. Here's What I Know About Samples Job Resume Possessing a strong resume will enable you find numerous great jobs. Just make sure you double-check whether adding social media to your particular resume is suitable for the job! Accounting and finance managers may wish to see your technical understanding. Understanding that you maynot compose a resume cover letter for each job that you apply, you've got to produce a tweak in the format of the resume cover letter just including vital information about the business or organization and the work title. In short it's the overview of what you contain in your resume and the capability to offer at the present job. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that may assist you with your work search. However much or what kind of work experience you've got, there's a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. What Does Samples Job Resume Mean? To begin, review information on different elements of a resume and what's included in each element. Perhaps while looking for examples you noticed poor samples throughout the internet. The samples below are a representative variety of all the available examples on our site. Take a look at our information technology resume samples for some tips about how to present your self as the ideal candidate. When it has to do with formatting your resume you need to remember which format best suites your work experience. If you're searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, have a look at our absolutely free downloadable templates. Consider what you are going to be putting on your resume, and select your template accordingly. There is not anyone golden resume format. For students that are new to the work market, interests and activities are a superior method to show employers you have skills they are searching for. Speak to professionals in the area If you're having a hard time determining what skills an employer might need to see, think about contacting a professional already working in the business or position very similar to the one that you're applying for. Your jobs could be varied, your experience and abilities vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. Transportation jobs involve a great deal of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can manage that. To turn into an irresistible job candidate, your resume should present your prospective employer what you could bring to the office and the way you are going to ease day-to-day operations. By highlighting a number of essential abilities and your existing aims, you give the recruiter or hiring manager a taste of what's to come in the remainder of your resume. You may also leave off any jobs that are entirely unrelated to the job that you desire. Also show you're a well-rounded worker. Volunteer experience is also a wonderful add-on to healthcare resumes as it shows the hiring manager which you have compassion off the work also. If you're attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. If you're going to stop anyway, you might too engineer your layoff and see whether you may walk away with a great severance package. The challenge of being a true student trying to find a job tends to be a deficiency of prior job experience. Samples Job Resume Explained Remember also you have the cover letter to spell out why you're the ideal candidate. Unless you're a graphic designer looking for employment, there's no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. If you need assistance figuring out the best way to do so, take a look at our office worker resume samples and expert writing tips. For more ideas on the best way to strengthen your program, take a look at our education and teaching resumes. Skills Include all skills that are associated with the position or career field that you're applying for. Key skills are work-related skills that you will need to do a job. Hard skills aren't skills that are really hard to learn. 3 First, you have to select the best skills for your resume. Using Samples Job Resume Listing your skills provides a chance to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime employers for the remainder of your resume. Basic resumes typically have an extremely classic and standard tone. Our sample resumes have layouts that are intended to put an emphasis on your abilities and qualifications instead of experience. Efficiently work independently in addition to collaboratively. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. Conclusion There's a lot you can do to enhance your resume yourself without getting qualified assistance. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Though you might not have a work history or lengthy collection of impressive degrees, you can definitely find something to include.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Should I Put My High School on My Resume

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Should I Put My High School on My Resume Generally speaking, the high school part of your education ought to be a whole lot more sparse than the college portion. Writing your initial high school resumecan look like a daunting take. While you're in school, grades have plenty of significance. In the workforce, higher school looks very young. A great way to begin is to check at someentry level resume examplesto give you a notion of what you ought to include on your high school resume. There are particular pitfalls you want to stay away from when writing a high school resume. The ideal place to explain why you wish to visit grad school is in your private statement. If you aren't a student and have more relevant work experience, you won't be trying hard to fill space and it might be more beneficial to concentrate on other regions of your resume. You might opt to use the school for a subheading, then list the degree below it. If you're a recent college graduate, then you might not have 10 decades of work experience. Most grad programs require some kind of private statement, which is where you'll receive the ideal opportunity to inform the school why your experiences and interests make you the very best candidate for the program. Therefore understanding how to compose a resume is essential. Your resume gives a fast but strong first impression of the abilities and personal qualities you need to offer you. Resume writing can be unbelievably hard. Everything on your resume has to be true, but you don't need to list everything that's true on your resume. There is not anyone set cut-off number. There are a few things you should not include in your resume. In fact, there's a bit of an art to deciding what things to include on your resume and the way to organize it. In reality, some info may actually damage your chances, not help them. The Basics of Should I Put My High School on My Resume What You need to Do If you haven't any work experience, then you need to adhere to the identical format. If you still don't have a lot to work with, you can begin inquiring about opportunities locally that may lead to the type of experience you require. Start with creating a master list of basic skills you've got. Based at work, it may also be worthwhile to list particular skills like typing speed, phone communication, or public speaking experience. When it's higher than your overall GPA you'll be able to place your important GPA instead. If you've got little to no work experience, a coursework description can demonstrate you have the wisdom and skills needed for the job via your education. It is possible to find below a list of the greatest skills you may put on your resume based on the kind of job that you are applying for. If you currently have work experience it will matter a great deal more than your grades. You are able to still gain extensive work experience without completing an official degree. Think about any seasonal or short-term work experience you could have. All About Should I Put My High School on My Resume Putting an objective statement at the peak of your resume won't help you receive an industry job. You might require various resumes for various jobs. Many resumes incorporate a career goal listed on top or a bland overview of what a work seeker is searching for in a position. You shouldn't submit generic resumes they ought to be unique for each business and even potentially for each job. You put yourself out there and locate a job. Even in case you've never held an official job, it's still true that you have life experience that's applicable to the work search. Most jobs need a cover letterand it's where you are able to give more information about your passions and interests. Only your existing job needs to be written in the current tense, Gelbard states.